The Darkness Within Release Day Blast


About the book:

tdw5Everyone has a little darkness in them. A small voice that tells them to lie, to steal, to cheat… To kill. Addy Wilson sees and feels that darkness in everything around her. It consumes her, it eats at her, it terrifies her, and it excites her.
Evan Cooper believes he sees spirits. Spirits that protect him, that talk to him… That kill for him. So why is that he is always the one to wake up with blood on his hands?
Addy and Evan meet in Abby House – Asylum for the criminally insane. They do everything together. They will protect each other, they will go anywhere together… Would they kill for each other?
Can they escape the confines before they succumb to their own darkness? Can they find a love to cure each other? Can they save each other before it’s too late?


About the Author:

Sunshine, surf and family are the corner stone of Nicky’s world. Being born and raised on the Sunshine Coast in Queensland Australia gave her the opportunity to chase her dream of photography and later novel writing. She fell in love with fantasy and dystopian and crafted stories with strong men and powerful women. Her debut novel Destinata was released on October 15, 2014 with several short stories following. Nicole now has more than ten stories published, with a vision for more in 2016. When she is not busy being an author, you will find her using her various creative abilities; such as photography, graphic design, and 3d game art and animation, and chasing after her two young girls.


This is not my life…

This is not my world…

This is not me…

Close your eyes

Take a deep breath

Count to three


The sound of the waves crashing upon the shore thunders inside my head. I look up to see the setting sun upon the horizon; the seagulls are tucked in for the night, the beachgoers packing up and heading home. The water is the only constant. That and the beating of my heart, though it remains unseen as to how long that will continue. My darkest hour is upon me and just like the shadows cast by the statues that stick to the walls of the repulsive domicile I escaped from, the darkness is stuck to me. Not an inch of light filters through to my soul, only darkness… Always darkness.

I like the beach, it’s calming and it reminds me of being a child when things were simpler. When my parents still loved me, when I had friends, when I wasn’t caged in. This moment is freeing. I’m free. So why do I still feel so trapped? No matter, that’s all about to change.


Find more about Nicole on one of her many social networking sites: 



Other Books from Nicole L. Daffurn:

The Unknown Wunderkind:

The Keepers Portal:

Harsh Beginnings (The Valguard Trilogy 0.5):

Destinata (The Valguard Trilogy Part 1):

The Pact (The Valguard Trilogy 1.5):

Night of The Demon 2:

(Please note: All anthology pieces below are currently available in The Keepers Portal)

Cogs in Time 2:

Cogs inn Time 3:

After Tomorrow:

Love Sucks:

Fractured Fairy tales:

Tales of the Fairy 2:

Mystical Bites:


Depression, anxiety, and me.


Almost everyone in my active life knows that I have struggled with depression and anxiety for a lot of years. I have tried western medicines, I have tried alternative and natural medicines, I’ve tried relaxation and meditation. In short, I’ve tried it all to beat the dark thoughts which fill my mind on an almost daily basis. None of it has come close to curing me – probably because, in my opinion, depression isn’t something that can be cured. You can treat the symptoms, you can mask the appearance of your demons, and you can hide them away, but they are always there waiting in the deepest parts of your mind to emerge and screw you over once again.
That being said, if you have a medication or therapy that is working for you, that’s great! For me, it’s not so simple.

I have periods of time where I am genuinely happy, I can laugh and smile with honesty and an open heart and mind, but lately, those days have been rare. Which is why I’m this blog has come into fruition.

People who have never experienced true depression or anxiety, have no idea what it feels like day in and day out to constantly have your demons lurking within you and never knowing when they are going to pop up to say Hi, or even why they are. That doesn’t mean we don’t appreciate it when you tell us you know how we feel. Or when you want us to open up and talk to you about it. We really do, it’s just some days, we cannot for the life of us figure out why you care.

We also understand that you have been down at times, we get that, we feel for you, we worry for you, and we want to comfort you. But depression goes so much deeper. It gets into your roots and it drags you down to a place you never wanted to be in the first place, but have no choice in going along.


I have been asked a few times now why I’m so depressed some days… The answer? I couldn’t tell you the honest truth. Sure, there are things that happen in my life that contribute, but to answer why I feel like nobody cares about me when it is clear they do, or why I feel like I’m not good enough for anyone or anything, or why I cry for seemingly no reason at all, or why I feel like I need to shut myself away from the world and push myself away from the people I love… They’re not questions I can answer.

Depression and anxiety for me make me feel like a walking contradiction. I want to be cared for, but when people care, I push them away. When I post anything on social media about my depression and anxiety, I feel like others will think I want attention – which isn’t the case. When I feel sad to the point of crying or wanting to sleep so I don’t have to deal with anything, I feel like I am being weak.

It causes my insecurities to inflame beyond that of the norm. I cannot honestly look in the mirror and think ‘I look nice today.’ I don’t take compliments, and when I do get them, I reply with humour to deflect the fact that I’m being spoken of in a way that I can’t process. Of course there are a few people I trust with compliments, but they are few and far between.

My anxiety has a similar effect. If you are chatting on facebook/via text/ what’s app or any other platform, and someone doesn’t answer you, or stops talking to you abruptly, you go about your day, and think ‘Oh, they must be busy.’ For me, some days, I can search back through every message I have ever sent to see what I did, or said, wrong to make that person not want to talk to me. I know it’s irrational, and I tell myself that, but it doesn’t help. This doesn’t happen as often as it used to because I have come to learn to suppress that part of me, but some days I can’t stop it no matter how hard I try.


I think the hardest part for me is feeling not good enough for anyone or good enough at anything. The thoughts constantly plague me, and I tend to give in to them far too often. I give up, or I start shutting down because my mind tells me there is no point in trying anymore. And giving up, or giving in in actual fact makes me feel worse than before, but the majority of the time, it’s too late. After all, if someone pushed you away, would you want to come back to them? Would you want to care for someone who makes it quite clear they don’t care for you? No, but the thing with people with depression is, we make out that we don’t care because we’re afraid of being hurt and spiralling out of control yet again. We don’t believe that we deserve the care and affection we are being given and that any given moment it will be taken away from us, so we push it away. It’s a vicious cycle that is hard to stop even when that is all we want.

The point of this post isn’t to gain sympathy or attention. It isn’t even about how to deal with depression. It’s about understanding what it feels like to be the person with depression. I have only ever so slightly touched on some of the feelings associated with depression and anxiety in this post, but I want people to know how it makes your mind reel with confusion and doubt, and why we act the way we do at time. I don’t want the people in my life to feel like I don’t want to be around them, or to feel anything like I do.

Depression and anxiety need to be acknowledged more often. The stigma surrounding these illness’s needs to stop and people need to take a more active role in understanding what is happening in the lives of those who suffer with them. It’s not something that is easy to live with, it’s not something that can be fixed by someone telling us ‘Just get over it,’ or ‘You’ll be okay, things always work out.’

It’s hard to live with, and it’s hard for the people around us to live with, but, there is hope that one day, things will work out. Tell your loved ones today that you care for them. Don’t wait until it’s too late.


So what can you do if you know someone who suffers with depression?

  • Ask them if they are okay.
  • Remind them that you love and care for them.
  • Talk to them like a normal person. Don’t baby them because they’re not feeling great.
  • Offer to take them out, and understand if they don’t want to go, or want to come home early.
  • Ask them if they want to talk, and understand if they say no, it isn’t because they don’t want to talk to you, it’s just because they’re not ready to.
  • Just ‘be there’ for them.
  • Hug them.
  • Let them know you’ll still be around when they’re ready.


I’m sure there is more to add to that list, but it’s a good starting point.


Depression is:

Trying so hard to be happy and not understanding why you’re failing.

Being tired of hating yourself, and not being able to stop it.

Being surrounded by people, yet feeling so alone.

Wanting to talk to someone, yet not wanting to bother anyone.

Struggling to unjumble the mess in your mind only to make it worse.

Having a good day, and suddenly having an onslaught of emotions you can’t process.

Wanting to stick around for the people you care for, yet being unable to force yourself to do so.

Smiling on the outside, and screaming on the inside.

Trying your hardest to make everyone around you happy because you never want them to feel what you do.

Making sure you’re there for others, yet not expecting, or sometimes, wanting anyone to be there for you.

Struggling every day to keep the demons at bay.

I get it. I live it. I understand it.






A Beautiful Black – Release day blast

11813472_1018955008144916_2317598968133744743_n** Sign up to Luke’s online newsletter (link to website at the bottom of this page) to go in the draw to win 1 of 2 $25 Amazon gift cards**

About the Book:

Meet Eric. He is a seventeen-year-old loner who finds joy in the colour black.
In Eric’s life, bullying and suicidal thoughts are washed down with a daily dose of over the counter medication. He doesn’t want to die, but can’t stand life at home with his overweight, abusive mother, and drunk and disorderly stepfather – who has a passion for applying bruises – for a moment longer. Thankfully his brother, Ethel, will be home in 16 days to rescue him from Grey Hills – the town with a population of around a thousand. He can’t wait toeat popcorn and view the car accident footage the two of them recorded to watch on replay each Friday night.
Eric notices the unusual things in life; metal rods that help shape an umbrella, and a small stain on the bedroom carpet fibres just to name a couple. He doesn’t like folding washing but does enjoy the random gold coin that appears mysteriously each morning. Eric knows his individualism doesn’t exactly make him popular among the town’s people, but has never really understood their hatred towards him. That is until he is introduced to a unique character that may understand his unfortunate existence more than he does.
A Beautiful Black is a dark, poetic, misunderstood story that will leave your heart fluttering and cheeks blushing into the early hours of the morning. A book for the different people in this world. A book for the people who don’t have the luxury of calling someone a friend. A book to change the way you look at the world and the people living in it.

About the Author:

Luke has been e2754b_c04c9fbac39c4ca2867918208c1e7619writing for as long as he can remember, getting the initial ‘buzz’ when his short story ‘Gus the Bus’ was selected for publication in his primary school newsletter. He finds his characters to be unique with addictive personalities and loves to connect with his readers.


I don’t care anymore. I’m deflated but crying out for someone or something to ignite my smoking wick again. A timely breath of fresh air would be enough to blow my flame back into the contemporary dance I remember. I’m not sure who I can rely on these days, I don’t seem to have anybody’s shoulder to cry on.

The tiny shards of glass penetrating through my bare feet are enough to challenge my angry conscience. Broken beer bottles are something I’m all too familiar with. After all, they are thirteen per cent of the reason I’m heading to the bridge on this cold winter morning.

This time I’m serious though. No more causing unwanted attention. Today my eyelids will greet the stars instead of drooping to the ground; today I will arch my back and sprout my invisible angel wings…

Today I will dive…

Today I will die…


Get your copy of A Beautiful Black here today:

Find more about Luke West here:



Twitter: @Authorlukewest


Mystical Bites release day blast!

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mystical bites ebookBite sized stories bursting with magic.

Suspend your disbelief and let your imagination take you away. Trust yourself to fly as you follow 23 talented authors on a journey through magical realms. There, find love with a werewolf, make it rain with a coven of witches, fight alongside dragons, and more. Give into the magic, and step into our worlds.

Add it to goodreads

Join the release day party!

Buy it here!



About the Authors:

Displaying PenelopeAnne Bartotto.jpgPenelope Anne Bartotto Penelope Anne Bartotto started writing once she discovered crayons were not a recommended dietary option. Fueled by coffee she has written numerous poems and flash fiction, as well as short stories featured in Paranormal Anthology with a Twist and Dark Light Four. Married with three adult children, she calls Wisconsin her home. Now free to pursue her love of the written word, between reviewing for InD’Tale Magazine and editing, she continues to work on her great American novel.


Displaying RAB author logo.jpgReven Archer Black Reven Archer Black lives in Canada but her imagination lives in the speculative fiction world, dallying with fantasy more than other genres. Her writing adventures started one fateful night when she was 6 years old. Now she is armed with a wildly eclectic music collection and a large helping of weird ideas, exploring the dark side of human nature. Reven’s first novel, Ascension, is slated for release in 2015, kicking off her epic fantasy series, Blood & Heritage. She welcomes everyone to drop by her social media pages and say hello, especially if they come with humour and chocolate.

Displaying cath 163.jpgCathrina Constantine Cathrina Constantine is a young adult author. She writes paranormal/thriller/dystopia/romance/mystery/fantasy/contemporary novels. To date she’s published: Wickedly They Come, Wickedly They Dream, Tallas, short stories in A Touch of Winter, Twist of Fate, and her 4th novel, Don’t Forget to Breathe will be published by CHBB in Feb. 2015.




UntitledMichael Cross Michael Cross lives in Seattle, WA. This land is prone to lots of rain, fantastic adventures and the occasional flyby dragon. When Cross isn’t working on his next novel, he spends his time reading, modding steampunk inventions or working on his airship with his copilot chihuahua. Cross dreamed of becoming a storyteller back when he was read stories like “The Odyssey” and legends of Roman soldiers and Arthur. He writes mostly paranormal, fantasy, New Adult and steampunk.


Displaying 11054842_10153270003196639_480545129800708707_n.jpgNicole L Daffurn Sunshine, surf and family are the corner stones of Nicky’s world. Being born and raised on the Sunshine Coast in Queensland, Australia gave her the opportunity to chase her dream of photography and later novel writing. She fell in love with fantasy and dystopian and crafted stories with strong men and powerful women. As well as her many contributions to chbb anthologies, her debut novel through Crushing Hearts and Black Butterfly – Courageous Souls – was released November 6 2014. Her Second Novel – The Darkness Within was published February 5th 2015. When she is not busy being an author, you will find her walking along the water with her husband or chasing after her two children.


Displaying 10676830_10203652720291400_427302663_o.jpgJoe DiCicco Joe DiCicco is a 30 year old author of horror, sci-fi, dystopian and dark fantasy. He has one novel and two short stories available on Amazon. He currently resides in upstate NY.



kcfinn_headshotKC Finn K. C. Finn was born and raised in Cardiff, South Wales, where her love for storytelling grew at a precociously young age. After developing the medical condition M.E. / C.F.S., Kim turned to writing to escape the pressures of disabled living, only to become hooked on the incredible world of publishing.



Displaying meeeeee.jpg Jordanne Fuller Jordanne Fuller is a mishmash of creative talents whirling into one another, solidified into a woman. She has been writing since she can remember but didn’t realize how much she enjoyed it until her poetry explosion at the age of sixteen. At twenty, she wrote her first (unfinished) novel that will likely never see the light of day. Now that she is thirty(ish) Jordanne has finished her first novel that she hopes to publish in the near future. Dusk is her first piece to enter the hands of a publishing company, and the stand alone prequel to Night, her current novel in progress.


Displaying H.L.Houghton image.png HL Houghton H.L. Houghton remembers sitting on the floor with a little red typewriter, tapping keys and asking her mother for spellings. She was three years old and from that day to this, she has dreamed of writing wonderful things for others to read. H.L has published a collection of funny vampire stories titled ‘Almost Dead’ and a short story , ‘Dakkar,’ available in Crushing Hearts and Black Butterfly Publishing’s ‘After Tomorrow Anthology’.When she isn’t writing she can be found with a camera glued to her face or a book in her hand. She loves music, singing badly and watching people run from the rain.

Displaying Author pic CL McCollum.jpgCL McCollum C.L. McCollum spends her time delving into the wonder of the world. She’s always been drawn to the “How” and the “Why” and the “Is this even possible?” That addiction to wonder has led her to the realm of Science Fiction and Fantasy. C. L. is on the Great Agent Hunt for her first full length novel, but has stories featured in the charity anthology Clichés for a Cause: It Was a Dark and Stormy Night (October 2014) and the After Tomorrow anthology (December 2014). Currently, C. L. is keeping it weird in Austin, TX with the love of her life and their various furry roommates.

Displaying RoxanneMilson.jpgRoxanne Milson Originating from the sunny Gold Coast, Australia, Roxanne now resides in the small city of Tauranga in New Zealand. All her life Roxanne has used her love of art and writing to bring her creative imagination to life. Born to love fantasy and anything Victorian Gothic, she has come to love various genres and writes stories in fantasy, Steampunk, dark Gothic and even crime thrillers. Currently, Roxanne is working on her first two novels in a series of crime thrillers known as the Echoes of Murder, an epic dark fantasy and several short stories in various genres including paranormal and fantasy. When Roxanne is not planning and writing her stories, she’s drawing them, bringing all her characters to life through visual art. And when she’s not doing either of those, she’s curled up with her cats or out horseback riding.

Displaying 11138590_791043100993744_3984164075514637652_n.jpgStacey Janie McIntosh In 2011 she had her first short story Freya published in an anthology, nine more followed bringing the total up to ten. The latest two Shadows of Annwn and The Hunter Million are published in the CHBB Anthology Mystical Bites.


UntitledEmma Michaels is the bestselling author of the Society of Feathers series. As an avid reader she started her book blog in 2009 ( and over the years has received numerous publications. Working to help Indies and small presses from around the world she has received the nickname ‘The Mad Hatter’ for her versatility in graphic design, publishing, marketing, and blogging.




1982097Lexi Ostrow Lexi Ostrow has been in love with the written word since second grade when her librarian started a writing club. Born in sunny southern California she’s spent time in various places across the country and can’t wait to settle down somewhere in the French Quarter when she’s able too. Lexi has been a writer ever since the second grade in some form or another. Getting her degree in creative writing and her master’s in journalism she couldn’t wait to get a chance to put her fantasies down on paper. From paranormal romance to thriller there isn’t a genre she doesn’t love to spend her time reading or writing.


Displaying IMG_7499.JPGDemetria Patalano Demi started out writing poetry, which evolved into short stories. Waiting for her goal to become a full-length author is soon to come. She currently is involved in Anthologies for Crushing Hearts and Black Butterfly Publishing. She loves to read, write, and take pictures. Demi is from a small town in southern Illinois. She is a homemaker to, two beautiful children Nikolai 4 and Dani Jo 8



Displaying Heather Sharpe Author Photo.JPGHeather Sharpe Heather Sharpe is an ex-teacher turned stay at home mom. She lives on six acres in Kansas with her husband and three year old son, and more pets than any sane Mommy would agree to. In any time not spent chasing pets and children Heather likes to go to the lake, crochet, or bake.




10386360_10204973022980555_8714246124754803180_nJessica Slater Jessica was born in Brisbane and raised in a beautiful country town; Warwick. Since the moment she could read and write she never stopped and it was always an endless pile of books and paper.When she isn’t writing or reading you can find her working as a manager at KFC or taking walks with her partner and beautiful dog.



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AL Staum Andrea L. Staum is the author the Dragonchild Lore series, The Attic’s Secret novella, and has contributed to several best selling anthologies. She’s a trained motorcycle technician, an amateur home renovator, and somehow manages to find time to write. She lives in south central Wisconsin with her husband, three ‘unique’ cats.



Displaying PavSquared.pngPavarati K Tyler Award-winning author of multi-cultural and transgressive literature, Pavarti K. Tyler can be found with Doc Martens strapped on over fishnets, but a girlish giggle as easily and likely as a throaty guffaw.



Displaying Author pic.jpgJess Watkins Jess is an avid reader, writer and chocolate devourer. She runs a book blog called A Book Addict’s Bookshelves and co-runs Worlds of Words. She has lived in three different countries and owns an unreasonable number of t-shirts. A Whovian, Browncoat and Sherlockian, Jess loves anything to do with superheroes, Game of Thrones and Joss Whedon. She is the author of Girl Meets Underworld, As We Lie Dying and Escaping Rapture which is part of the After Tomorrow Anthology.

Displaying 10433210_10203910539701585_5823061669008600757_n.jpgGina A Watson Gina Ashley Watson is an Australian Writer who has always loved to tell a story. She started writing her first book in 2012 and has loved writing ever since. Gina studies a Bachelor of Writing and Creative Communication at the University of South Australia in Adelaide. Her favourite genres to write in are: Fantasy, Paranormal, Romance, Young Adult and loves to read in those genres as well. Gina’s life now revolves around her boyfriend and family as well as studying, writing and trying to squeeze in time to read.


Displaying LukePhoto2.jpgLuke West Luke has been writing for as long as he can remember, getting the initial ‘buzz’ when his short story ‘Gus the Bus’ was selected for publication in his primary school newsletter. He finds his characters to be unique with addictive personalities and loves to connect with his readers.




Displaying 29052013030.jpgMatthew Wilson Matthew Wilson, 31, has had over 150 appearances in such places as Horror Zine, Star*Line, Spellbound, Illumen, Apokrupha Press, Hazardous Press, Gaslight Press, Sorcerers Signal and many more.

Darker Side of Worlds Release Day Blast!

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25532746Dale grew up fighting for self respect and the respect of others. Being a Word Speaker hadn’t helped. Most of the Guardians he had sought out those that were decidedly darker and fighting on what could be seen as the wrong side of the war. When Ciara gives him her gifts to follow her own happy ending he’s forced to see his self worth and honor her precious gift.

Breena is a dark sprite in charge of sneaking through dreams to steal information in a war between the Seelie and Unseelie court in her world. Finding out she’s a book character destined to save the life of a human wasn’t her cup of tea – but it was her father’s. Commanded to get close the Word Speaker Dale so they could all enter his world she’s forced to leave what she knows behind and corrupt a man on the brink of finding himself.

When passion ignites between Dale and Breena he finds himself seduced by the darkness once more. He’s tangled up in a web that threatens to change his stance in the war just before his 27th birthday. When her true intentions come out he will have to choose between dark and light, and where he stands in the war.

Join the party!


“God damn it, Breena. Fuck.” He reached up and tugged her head to his and covered her mouth with his own.

She tasted as good as she had the first time, fruity and sweet. He wanted to lose himself in the kiss, in her body. He was certain she wasn’t going to pull back, so he let her head go and his hands found her perfect breasts. He pinched the already hard nipples, and she jerked, the sensation rocking through his cock so hard he wanted her to stop holding him and let him slip inside.

“Dale, Dale, I want this. I want you.” She pulled back from the kiss and stopped moving against him. “I know what I do for my father, but this isn’t for him. This isn’t for that tool that told me the rules. This is for me, for you.”

Her words were hard to ignore. She was giving him one chance to take the way out, and he knew it. But he didn’t want it. Not at that moment. She was right, they could clear their heads after they had sex, and then he could properly set her aside and find the right Guardian. He’d been without for long enough, and she was beautiful, wet and begging.

“Just tonight, Breena. Just so we can think clearly, and because I seriously don’t have any energy left to stop this.”

She chuckled and it was filled with lust. The sound shot any blood left over straight into his erection. She guided him into her body, and as he sunk into her folds, he groaned. She was hot and tight around him, and when she had taken him all the way to the hilt, she began to move.

About the Author: Lexi Ostrow has been in love with the written word since second grade when her librarian started a writing club. Born in sunny southern California she’s spent time in various places across the country and can’t wait to settle down somewhere in the French Quarter when she’s able too.

Lexi has been a writer ever since the second grade in some form or another. Getting her degree in creative writing and her master’s in journalism she couldn’t wait to get a chance to put her fantasies down on paper. From paranormal romance to thriller there isn’t a genre she doesn’t love to spend her time reading or writing.

Reading and writing are her first loves but her passion for shopping, love for yummy food and her love for all her many pets. She hopes to one day help other readers fall in love with writing as she did.

Connect with Lexi:





GIVEAWAY (open until 10am 6/20/15):
ecopy set of Guardians books – Torn Between Two Worlds, Worlds on Fire, Darker Side of Worlds
To win, comment below with what would tempt you to fall to darkness.

Tales of the Fairy Volume 2: Steam Punk Fairies release day blast!

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Tales of the Fairy Volume 2: Steam Punk Fairies

Release Day May 06th!

Steamworks Ink


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Never before have magic and machines come together in such a way as brought to you by the sixteen authors, poets, and artists of this collaboration. When the world of the Fae meets Steampunk, all things are possible and there are no limits to the places you will visit, the creatures you will meet, and the technology that you will discover. Put a little magic in your gears and open up your minds and hearts as you enter the world of Steampunk Fairies.

There will be games, prizes and tons of fun! Join the Party here!


About the Authors:

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Samantha Allard:Once upon a time, in a galaxy far away, passed the farthest star in the sky and where the horizon meets for its kiss with the land, Samantha battled evil drones. The drones were six feet tall, had three sets of hands, and it was best if you didn’t mention the third eye. (They don’t like it when you bring it up.) She wields words like a sword in her hand and cuts down her foes with the skill of a ballerina wearing flip-flops and juggling chainsaws. (She knows how to multitask.)


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Michelle Cornwell-Jordan: is a New Adult/Young Adult Author, who enjoys writing Paranormal, Dystopian and Dark Fiction. She is also the producer (and one of the Hosts) for the online radio segment IndieReview Behind The Scenes Internet



Michael Cross:Michael Cross has been a writer and amateur explorer for most of his life. He began submitting his original writing in 2013 with two short stories, Tell Her She was Loved and The Promise, both accepted by Xchyler Publishing and are due to be released early 2014 in anthologies. Most recently he is a blogger and works to share his love of the past and all things steampunk (whenever he is not working as a shrink). You may learn more about him at The Hidden Library of Michael-Cross or on Twitter @TheCrossLibrary.


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Nicole L Daffurn: Nicole’s love for the written word has seen her write many short stories and poems and then eventually moving on to tackle the bigger task of novel writing late in 2011. She has also completed her course in editing and is currently studying Journalism and looks forward to exploring the world of news media.


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Stephen T. De Marino: is primarily a sci-fi/paranormal weirdness writer, hailing from the County of Humboldt. His previous publications were with CHBB’s Fractured Fairy Tales, and FireFly and Wisp’s 13 tales of the Paranormal. Before that he had articles published with Gridiron Strategies and American Football Monthly. When he isn’t trying to headbutt his desk, Stephen can be found tooling around Northern California selling hardware.



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KC Finn:was born and raised in Cardiff, South Wales, where her love for storytelling grew at a precociously young age. After developing the medical condition M.E. / C.F.S., Kim turned to writing to escape the pressures of disabled living, only to become hooked on the incredible world of publishing. As an author for Clean Teen Publishing, Kim spends most of her time locked in the writing cave with an obscenely large mug of tea. When not writing, she can be found studying for her MA in Linguistics, watching classic British comedy, or concocting evil schemes in the secret laboratory in her attic.


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Audrey Gibson: This is Audrey Gibson’s first published short story. Audrey loves all things post-apocalyptic, sciencefiction, and fantasy. Her two sons haveinspired her to share her imaginary worlds with everyone else. When not writing to maintain her sanity,Audrey likes to spend time outdoors. Another passion she has is for entertainment in all forms. Whether it is art, music, acting, writing,etc. she cannot get enough.



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Jeannette Joyal: Jeannette Joyal lives in North Carolina with her husband for the last 14 years. A proud mother of four daughters, one son and has also been blessed with six beautiful granddaughters who are the light of her life. She works for Hot Ink Press as Head of Strategic Marketing. She has recently tried her hand at writing and has completed a couple of poems. Both have now been published with Crushing Hearts. This has given her the encouragement to write some short stories.



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Samantha Ketteman: Samantha Ketteman has resided in southern Illinois for 7 years, (though still claims to be an Alabama girl), with her husband and three crazy demon children. She started reading novels at a very young age and decided to write for herself. She is a caffeine addict, insomniac, and generally scatterbrained most of the time. When she’s not writing, she’s getting lost in her imagination. Novels are an escape from the harsh reality of a cantankerous teenage boy and two drama queen girls.


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Elizabeth Ann Lance: lives with her husband, Brandon, their two teenagers. She is the author of the Young Adult series, Soul Mates; the Regency series, Agents for the Crown, as well as several novellas, all published with Crushing Hearts and Black Butterfly Publishing.


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CL McCollum: spends her time delving into the wonder of the world. She’s always been drawn to the “How?” and the “Why?” and the “Is this even possible?” While her debut novel is on the road to publication, C. L. has contributed to multiple anthologies, and also co-edits a charity anthology series known as “Clichés for a Cause.” Currently, C. L. is keeping it weird in Austin, TX with the love of her life and their various furry roommates.


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Emma Michaels: is a cover artist, blogger, and author of the ‘Society of Feathers’ series. Her love of blogging started when she created a book blog in 2009 which gave her the courage to finally submit her own novels to publishers. Emma Michaels’ publications now include Owlet and Eyrie (Tribute Books), Holiday Magick Anthology (Spencer Hill Press), and Cirque d’Obscure Anthology and Cogs in Time Anthology (Crushing Hearts Black Butterfly).


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Lexi Ostrow: has been a writer ever since the second grade in some form or another. Getting her degree in creative writing and her master’s in journalism she couldn’t wait to get a chance to put her fantasies down on paper. From paranormal romance to thriller there isn’t a genre she doesn’t love to spend her time reading or writing.


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Beth Patterson:was a full-time musician for over two decades before sidestepping into the world of writing (“fleeing the circus to join the zoo”). Patterson has played in over a dozen countries across the Americas, Europe, Japan, and Australia. She appears on over a hundred and twenty albums (including seven solo albums of her own) in addition to a smattering of soundtracks, videos, commercials, and voice-overs. Various artists have recorded over a hundred of her compositions and co-writes. She studied ethnomusicology at University College Cork, Ireland and holds a bachelor’s degree in Music Therapy from Loyola University New Orleans.


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Kristin Snyder: is an author of horror and speculative fiction, but has also written stories in the romance, fantasy, and science fiction genres. A former florist and 2012 graduate of Stony Brook University, she accidentally became a full-time freelancer and hopes to have continued success in publishing. She is currently finishing work on a novel, playing through a backlog of video games, and spending quality time with her two cats, Boo and Miyu.


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Andrea L. Staum: the author of Blood of the Sire Book 1 of the Dragonchild Lore series and contributed to several best selling anthologies. She’s a trained motorcycle technician with an Associates in Supervisory Management, is an amateur home renovator, and somehow manages to find time to write. She lives in south central Wisconsin with her husband, three ‘unique’ cats.


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Catherine Stovall (editor): is the author of many fiction works in the horror, steampunk, paranormal, fantasy, dark fantasy, and YA genres. She is also the editor and a contributor to several anthologies produced by Crushing Hearts and Black Butterfly Publishing, Vamptasy Publishing, and Steamworks Ink. Catherine is a fearless creature who surrounds herself with the joys of life both in and out of her fictional worlds. She lives in Southeast Missouri with her husband, three children, and pets. When not writing, she spends her time riding motorcycles, wearing elaborate hats, and genuinely enjoying the oddities in life.

Ghost in the Machine Blog Tour – Sj Davis

Portrait of a young woman





Josephine, Bodhi, and Caroline, live in a scientifically advanced Victorian London as the Industrial Revolution is in full swing. Infrared goggles, dirigibles, and analog computers exist alongside bustles, parasols, and high tea. On the grounds of an Old Saxon church, three strange net-runners arrive from a future where everyone is assigned a barcode from the moment of birth. What you buy, what you read, your health care history, your bank accounts, your measured intelligence, are all captured by this barcode and sent to the feed of OmniCorp. Human data mining forms the basis of a massive Industrial Complex, a thinly veiled profit center, based on the control of human behavior. To interrupt the inception of OmniCorp, the net-runners, a subversive underground group, enlist the aid of the steampunk Victorians to thwart a meeting between two men, who hundreds of years earlier, laid the foundation for OmniCorp. Extraordinary figures race toward a rendezvous with history, weave in and out of time, fight evil steampunk automatons, hide in Victorian brothels, fight Indian mutinies, and take refuge in dystopian cyberpunk pawnshops, to insure a future where personal privacy is protected over corporate power.

Portrait of a young woman




Amazon | Goodreads | Twitter

SJ runs three Indie Publishing companies: Crushing Hearts and Black Butterfly, Hot Ink Press, and Vamptasy Publishing, UK.

Ten percent of all proceeds for SJ’s books go to Turning Point, a counseling center for women in crisis or experiencing domestic abuse.

On a personal note, SJ Davis is the daughter of an ex-patriate British mother and a Southern Baptist former CIA father. As a child, she spoke in silly accents and recounted outlandish tales of fantasy over afternoon tea. To this day it remains her favorite activity. Born in Long Island, NY, she was raised in the suburbs of Washington DC and went to school for a ridiculous amount of time. She moved from Virginia to New Jersey to Philadelphia to Chicago to Detroit, and began her writing career once her children were old enough to reach for the goldfish themselves. SJ is an avid tea drinker, a stiletto aficionado, Doc Marten worshipper, punk rock listener, and lover of flip flops and cardigans. She has a terrible sense of direction, loves gummy bears, and is a Johnny Depp fangirl.

Release Party for Once Bitten Twice Shy (Book Two of Wolf Smitten)






So you’ve read The Wolf In The Neighborhood, right? Oh, you haven’t? Well you’re in luck. It’s only 99c for the entire month! But you have been desperately waiting for Once Bitten Twice Shy, right? Well then, you’re in luck, as it’s release day! Once Bitten Twice Shy is now available at all good ebook distributors, but the best place to get it is directly from Naughty Nights Press. Not only can you get it in the format you need for your e-reader, but it also means that a third party isn’t taking hard earned money from the authors. It’s the second best way to support your favourite authors, after leaving reviews and spreading the word to friends and family. They’re tied for the absolute best way.


For those who are wondering what Once Bitten Twice Shy is about, here’s a little taste…

Blurb: In the days following their kidnapping, Krissy and Derek’s rest comes to an abrupt end with one phone call. Derek’s ex-girlfriend has just arrived from England, and she wants her man back.


Aubree is not a woman who gives up easily, and it doesn’t take long for her to play dirty. The tables are turned, however, when the wolf takes offense.


Can Derek stop his canine self from hurting his former flame?

Who is the mysterious stranger on his way to Derek’s apartment?

Will Krissy and Derek ever get to lead a normal life?



Thankful the blinds were up today, he had a good view up the street and noticed a tall

businesswoman who looked incredibly attractive. A few moments later, as she came closer, he realized it was Krissy. Without thinking, he smiled in pure delight He managed to resist the urge to wave, though, as he wanted Krissy’s appearance kept from Aubree until she was right with them.

“Ahem.” A little cough at his side announced Darla’s return, and she placed the plates on the table, along with a little pot of whipped cream. Derek noticed the look of daggers she gave Aubree as she straightened up and walked back toward the counter, only to bump into Krissy, who had just entered the small diner.

About time, I was about to send a search party, Derek joked across the link. Now that he knew they had such a connection, he planned on using it as much as he could. A sarcastic tilt of her head had him chuckle.

“What is so funny,” Aubree asked as she tucked into her slice of pie.

“Oh, just thinking,” Derek replied.

“Of what?” she demanded.

“Of me,” came Krissy’s voice from over Aubree’s shoulder. “Good morning, darling.” She beamed at Derek as he slid across to give her room next to him. They greeted each other with a tender kiss, slightly longer than necessary.

Pulling out of the kiss, the couple looked across the table at the intruder, who was fuming mad and it showed clearly on her red-suffused face.

“Jealousy is not a good look on you, honey,” Krissy contritely quipped, gently smiling at the woman who thought herself a competitor.

For the third time in only a few minutes Darla returned to the table with the coffee pot, a clean mug, and another plate of pie for Krissy. “Oh, thank you! Just what the doctor ordered.”

Derek silently applauded Krissy’s composure in the face of Aubree’s clear fury. “The pie is especially good today, sweetheart,” he told Krissy, winking at the pleasure on Darla’s face. Turning to Aubree he decided to make the introductions, however obvious and pointless they may be. “So, my dear, here is my former lover from England, Aubree. You know the one who stomped on my heart when it was in need of some comfort. Aubree, this is Krissy, the woman who is currently giving my heart all the tender loving care it needs, and then some.” Wrapping his arm around Krissy’s shoulders, he sighed with content.

Are you sure it’s wise to provoke her like this? Krissy asked, clearly unsure of Aubree’s reaction.

Sweetheart, if she tries anything, the wolf would strongly object. I’m not saying I would let him loose on the woman, but I’d let him show his teeth. Her chuckle was his reward and the animal howled again with delight.

Portrait of elegant man in suit outdoors with copy space


There is a Facebook event happening over this whole weekend to celebrate the release of Once Bitten Twice Shy. There are author take overs, giveaways and two grand prizes up for grabs. Just head on over here and join in the fun!


About the Author: Phoenix Johnson is an Australian author who has always had the passion for the written word. She had her nose in at least one book ever since she could read and would even scrutinize the back of the cereal box every morning at breakfast. It was only natural she take up writing.

Phoenix had her first novella published in Januray 2013 as well as multiple works in progress, and her favourite writing genres are the same as her reading genres; erotica, romance, paranormal, thriller and a combination of these.

She currently lives in a small rural town west of Ipswich, Queensland, with her partner, their daughter, cats named Flash and Sirius, and their red cattle dog x named Rusty.


Important Links:










Links for The Wolf in the Neighborhood:

Naughty Nights Press:

All Romance e-Books:


Amazon UK:

Amazon AU:


Barnes & Noble:



Links for Once Bitten Twice Shy:

Naughty Nights Press:

All Romance e-Books:


Amazon UK:

Amazon AU:


Barnes & Noble:


Links for The Return Of Their Master:

Naughty Nights Press:

All Romance e-Books:


Amazon UK:

Amazon AU:


Barnes & Noble:



After Tomorrow Anthology Release Day Blast

544948_339648476221803_208219600771446434_nDive into worlds that have survived the worst mankind has ever seen and join us on our journey into the unknown. Nothing is what it seems and survival is the ultimate goal in these tales about the world After Tomorrow. Zombies, time-travelers, cyborgs, aliens, and cannibals are all finally in one amazing post-apocalyptic anthology! 16 stories, four poems, and 5 pieces of original artwork all combine to form this one-of-a-kind anthology. Read stories from some of your favorite authors and find new authors to love!

Meet The Authors:

Samantha Ketteman – Samantha Ketteman has resided in southern Illinois for 7 years, (though still claims to be an Alabama girl), with her husband and three crazy demon children. She started reading novels at a very young age and decided to write for herself. She is a caffeine addict, insomniac, and generally scatterbrained most of the time. When she’s not writing, she’s getting lost in her imagination. Novels are an escape from the harsh reality of a cantankerous teenage boy and two drama queen girls.

Author pic

Jess Watkins
– Jess is an avid reader, writer and chocolate devourer. She runs a book blog called A Book Addict’s Bookshelves and co-runs Worlds of Words. She has lived in three different countries and owns an unreasonable number of t-shirts. A Whovian, Browncoat and Sherlockian, Jess loves anything to do with superheroes, Game of Thrones and Joss Whedon

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HJ Daly – HJ has always loved stories and writing became a natural progression to reading. Reading with her own children and then at schools in a hope of capturing the hearts and minds of the young. It wasn’t always about writing though, during her late teens, HJ stepped up her Latin American dancing and travelled Europe

CL McCollum

C.L. McCollum – C. L. McCollum spends her time delving into the wonder of the world. She’s always been drawn to the “How” and the “Why” and the “Is this even possible?” That addiction to wonder has led her to the realm of Science Fiction and Fantasy. C. L. is on the Great Agent Hunt for her first novel, but two of her stories are featured in the charity anthology Clichés for a Cause: It Was a Dark and Stormy Night (October 2014). Currently, C. L. is keeping it weird in Austin, TX with the love of her life and their various furry roommates. You can find her on Facebook at and on Twitter @C_L_McCollum.


Kelly Matsuura – Kelly Matsuura grew up in Victoria, Australia, but has lived most of her adult life in the northern hemisphere. After a year teaching English in China, she moved to Japan where she lived for ten years in Nagoya. Due to her husband’s work, she’s enjoying a few years back in a western country, living in Michigan, USA.


Emma Michaels – Emma Michaels is a cover artist, blogger, and author of the ‘Society of Feathers’ series. Growing up her library card was her best friend and books were her home. Her love of blogging started when she created a book blog in 2009 which gave her the courage to submit her own novels to publishers and the rest, as they say, is history. To find out more feel free to stop by


Michael Cross – Author Michael Cross lives in Seattle, WA. When Cross isn’t working on his next novel, he spends his time reading, modding steampunk inventions or working on his airship with his copilot Chihuahua.
Cross dreamed of becoming a storyteller back when he was read stories like “The Odyssey” and legends of Roman soldiers and Arthur. He writes mostly paranormal, fantasy, New Adult and steampunk.
Follow his adventures at


Toni Lesatz – Toni Lesatz is a wife, mother, author, blogger, gamer, caffeine addict, and lover of the culinary arts. Her short stories, Ashes to Ashes and Dead World, were published in fall 2014. She is currently writing her debut novel, which she hopes to have in reader’s hands by spring 2015.
Toni lives in Michigan with her husband and three children. If she’s not writing or curled up with a book, you’ll most likely find her playing with her kids, baking cupcakes, or killing zombies.
You can follow her at My Book Addiction (linked to or on Facebook! (linked to

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H.L. Houghton – H.L. Houghton remembers sitting on the floor with a little red typewriter, tapping keys and asking her mother for spellings. She was three years old and from that day to this, she has dreamed of writing wonderful things for others to read. H.L. has recently published a collection of short, vampire themed stories entitled Almost Dead.
When she is not writing, she can be found with a camera glued to her face or a book in her hand. She loves music, singing badly and watching people run from the rain.


K. C. Finn – K. C. Finn was born and raised in Cardiff, South Wales, where her love for storytelling grew at a precociously young age. After developing the medical condition M.E. / C.F.S., Kim turned to writing to escape the pressures of disabled living, only to become hooked on the incredible world of publishing.
As an author for Clean Teen Publishing and Crushing Hearts and Black Butterfly Press, Kim spends most of her time locked in the writing cave with an obscenely large mug of tea. When not writing, she can be found studying for her MA in Linguistics, watching classic British comedy, or concocting evil schemes in the secret laboratory in her attic.


Scott Venus – Scott Anthony Venus is an Australian poet from Brookfield, Victoria on the western outskirts of Melbourne.
Scott has been writing poetry for over 20 years, resulting in the release of 3 collections of his poetry “Finding Wisdom In Shadows” (2008), “Whisper Something Fragile” (2013) and “Breathing Moments” (2014).
Outside of writing, Scott is qualified as a Travel Agent; however, is currently a live-in carer for 2 people with various degrees of disability – a responsibility that demands much of his time.


Nicole L Daffurn – Nicole’s love for the written word has seen her write many short stories and poems and then eventually moving on to tackle the bigger task of novel writing late in 2011. She has also completed her course in editing and is currently studying Journalism and looks forward to exploring the world of news media.


Andrea Staum – Andrea L. Staum is author of the Dragonchild Lore series and The Attic’s Secret Novella. She is also a contributor to a wide variety of anthologies in numerous genres. She is a trained motorcycle mechanic, an amateur house renovator, and a record keeper for the characters in her mind. She resides in South Central Wisconsin with her husband and three cats.


Yasmin Fazli – Yasmin Fazli is an undergraduate college student studying biology to one day fulfil her dream of being a doctor. Little did she know, the small stories she used to write in middle school and high school developed into another dream she couldn’t live without. In the beginning of her senior year of high school, the idea of Will of Hope, her first novel, was born. It took on a life of its own, and it turned into something she couldn’t put aside. When she finished, she was so in love with the story and how the characters grew that she felt the need to share the happiness it brought with everyone and anyone. Still living the life of a college student, Yasmin works in a research lab, is a part of the Delta Gamma sorority, and fills her life with snowboarding and bouldering.


Sherwin Matthews – Sherwin has been living in fantasy worlds within the confines of his head for most of his life. How it is that he has been able to exist this way is of greater mystery than he can conceive, leaving him thankful that he is at least politely indulged by those around him, whom most likely find some amusement in his extravagances. One day he fears that he’ll have to give up and join the real world.


Catherine Stovall– Catherine is a fearless creature who surrounds herself with the joys of life both in and out of her fictional worlds. She lives in Southeast Missouri with her husband, three children, and pets. When not writing, she spends her time riding motorcycles, wearing elaborate hats, and genuinely enjoying the oddities in life.


Jeff Motsinger – Jeff Motsinger is a loving husband to Demetria Motsinger with two children ( Nikolai and Dani Jo).Born and raised in lovely Southern Illinois, he spends his extra time playing rpgs online. Jeff has a passion for drawing, but loves to write fantasy style stories.


Eada Janes– Born and raised in the wonderful St. Louis, Mo area. Eada Janes is a hometown girl at heart. You can find her walking by the banks of the mighty Mississippi river, dancing the night away at the local clubs, or snuggled up in front of her fire with a good book and a cup of warm cocoa. After graduating with a degree in fine arts and working in the corporate world of retail for many years, she has decided to return to her creative roots and brave a brand new start as an independent author. You can find her work in Cogs in Time, Cogs in Time 2, and Les Vaproistes


Nicky Louise – Sunshine, surf and family are the corner stone of Nicky’s world. Being born and raised on the Sunshine Coast in Queensland Australia gave her the opportunity to chase her dream of photography and later novel writing. She fell in love with fantasy and dystopian and crafted stories with strong men and powerful women. Her debut novel Destinata was released on October 15, 2014 with several short stories following. Her second novel was released November 6 and is published through Crushing Hearts and Black Butterfly. When she is not busy being an author, you will find her walking along the water with her husband or chasing after her two children.


Demetria Motsinger (aka Madison Stewart) – Demi started out writing poetry, which evolved into short stories. Waiting for her goal to become a full-length author is soon to come. She currently is involved in Anthologies for Crushing Hearts and Black Butterfly Publishing. She loves to read, write, and take pictures. Demi is from a small town in southern Illinois. She is a homemaker to, two beautiful children Nikolai 4 and Dani Jo 8, a wonderful husband and supporter Jeff, and 3 dogs.


Cathy Ricketts – Cathy is the author of numerous poems published in greeting cards and short stories, as well as a talented artist. She is a proud firefighter and first responder in her home state of Alabama.

Fractured Fairy Tales Release Day Blast

It’s release time again! And this is another anthology that I am featuring in. I have 2 stories and 3 works of art in this antho, so make sure you grab yourself a copy today.
Now onto the blast!

finished two





1148761_757731874282325_4034376559633714198_nWhere the fairy tale ends, we begin…. Some of today’s best new and established independent authors have come together to bring you a book of not so happy endings, strange twists, brutal fates, and love that conquers and consumes. Fractured Fairy Tales presents a whole new look on some of your favorite classics and some fresh new stories to tempt your imagination.

Seventeen stories, three poems, and three original artworks bring you into a make believe matinee with a little of something for everyone.

Join the release day party, click here!





About the authors:

1499682_10151838784368144_620234685_nZoe Adams: Zoe Adams is a graduate of Professional Writing, at The Grimsby Institute, through the University of Hull. She has always had an interest of horror, science-fiction, and other media. She has been writing professionally since 200, whereupon she first started her course, and has continued to push for a career since. Her novella, Best Served Chilled, was accepted by Crushing Hearts and Black Butterfly Publishing in January 2013.





head cropCecilia Clark: Cecilia Clark is a multi genre writer with short stories in thirty anthologies, some published, some pending and flash fiction in ezines, She sharpens her pen on 25 word or less competitions and wins every one she enters gaining prizes from pianos to movie tickets. Cecilia also has art in the published works of other writers. Her first love is fairy tales closely followed by SF, steam punk and fantasy though her tastes are eclectic and unlimited. She has dabbled in writing horror and crime fiction and is currently working on several projects involving both. She can be found at the usual e-hangouts.




kcfinn_headshotK.C. Finn- K. C. Finn was born and raised in Cardiff, South Wales, where her love for storytelling grew at a precociously young age. After developing the medical condition M.E. / C.F.S., Kim turned to writing to escape the pressures of disabled living, only to become hooked on the incredible world of publishing.





294952_10150950257226639_1917397531_nNicole Daffurn: Nicole’s love for the written word has seen her write many short stories and poems and then eventually moving on to tackle the bigger task of novel writing late in 2011. She has also completed her course in editing and is currently studying Journalism and looks forward to exploring the world of news media.




1389073560795 Leah D.W.: Leah D.W. lives in South Africa with her family and two beloved dogs. She was first published at the age of 21 and has several short stories in anthologies, two poems and loves to write paranormal romance novels. A proud bookworm and chocoholic, Leah is also pursuing a career in editing and loves to study Greek Mythology. When she isn’t writing like a mad woman high on coffee, she spends time with her friends usually drifting through bookstores and watching movies.





my picJade Heart: Jade Heart loves stormy nights, loud music, and stories about lust and desire, which is why she writes adult and erotic romance.






10653483_550409565104199_7784528177599505459_nJeannette Joyal: Jeannette Joyal lives in North Carolina with her husband for the last 14 years. A proud mother of four daughters, one son and has also been blessed with six beautiful granddaughters who are the light of her life. She works for Hot Ink Press as Head of Strategic Marketing. She has recently tried her hand at writing and has completed a couple of poems. Both have now been published with Crushing Hearts. This has given her the encouragement to write some short stories.




SK005Samantha Ketteman: Samantha Ketteman has resided in southern Illinois for 7 years, (though still claims to be an Alabama girl), with her husband and three crazy demon children. She started reading novels at a very young age and decided to write for herself. She is a caffeine addict, insomniac, and generally scatterbrained most of the time. When she’s not writing, she’s getting lost in her imagination. Novels are an escape from the harsh reality of a cantankerous teenage boy and two drama queen girls.




Victoria Kinnaird 2014 pictureVictoria Kinnaird: Victoria Kinnaird is 27 years old and lives in Glasgow, Scotland. She graduated from the University of Strathclyde in 2009 with a Bachelor of the Arts degree in Journalism, Creative Writing and English Lit. Victoria has been writing since she was 15 years old. She loves rock music, and 11 of her tattoos are related to bands that she loves!





302745_415860891817663_1206200759_nSinead MacDughlas:Sinead MacDughlas will tell you she breathes music and bleeds words. Those who know her well, will tell you that those words are likely highly caffeinated. Born and raised in Ontario, Sin is a proud Canadian whose plots often take place in her home province. She now lives in a small town, north of Toronto, with her hard-working husband, two children, and a black, medium-haired cat who thinks she is his pet. Sinead loves to receive feedback from her readers, and encourages them to seek her out on any of her social profiles.



glasses (1)Stephen T. De Marino: Stephen T. De Marino was raised by a hippie and an attack pilot, which may explain his chaotic nature. A football coach for 25 years, he now exploring his softer side. Currently living in the wilds of Northern California (Yes, the REAL Northern California, not SF) he is working on his first full length novel which he promised his darling wife that he would one day finish. (There have been many, many false starts.) He has been published in 13 Tales of the Paranormal, Gridiron Strategies, American Football Monthly, and several poetry e-zines under the pen name Kakavian.

1982097Lexi Ostrow:Lexi has been a writer ever since the second grade in some form or another. Getting her degree in creative writing and her master’s in journalism she couldn’t wait to get a chance to put her fantasies down on paper. Her debut novel, Torn Between Two Worlds is something that was simmering in her mind since middle school and she’s so grateful to put it out into the literary world. From paranormal romance to thriller there isn’t a genre she doesn’t love to spend her time reading or writing.




10157186_10202883193975364_2528076120085308681_nJennifer Raygoza: Jennifer Raygoza lives in Corona, California with her husband and children. She developed a love for writing poetry at the young age of twelve. She did not want to become a writer when she was young. She had dreams of becoming a Marriage Counselor and majored in Psychology when she was older. Although that dream did not work out she still councils relationship advice to friends and family. In 2013 she published her first book called The Guardians. Originally it was a story written for fun, and out of curiosity was self published.





5882818Lillian MacKenzie Rhine: Lillian MacKenzie Rhine (“Lilly Mac”) writes in several genres ranging from paranormal to historical. She believes that the possibilities of creation should not be limited to just one category, but one should allow the story and characters to dictate where the journey leads. Being a beta reader for several years has allowed her to write her material with the reader in mind which gives her books a more realistic and relatable approach.




authorpicPyxi Rose: Pyxi Rose is a single mom, writer, lover of all things literary. She lives in the PA Mountains, but her heart and soul will always be in North Carolina. She has a wonderfully weird little boy named Wander Stone that keeps her on her toes. She has a few series out like The Taghairm Chronicles, a darker paranormal series about Scottish Oracles and a NA fantasy trilogy called Saving Babylon which is a little more adult and it focuses on angels/demons.





andreastaumauthorAndrea L. Staum: Andrea L. Staum is author of the Dragonchild Lore series and The Attic’s Secret Novella. She is also a contributor to a wide variety of anthologies in numerous genres. She is a trained motorcycle mechanic, an amateur house renovator, and a record keeper for the characters in her mind. She resides in South Central Wisconsin with her husband and three cats.


10696317_10152769964148013_5470616176408439633_nCatherine Stovall: Catherine is a fearless creature who surrounds herself with the joys of life both in and out of her fictional worlds. She lives in Southeast Missouri with her husband, three children, and pets. When not writing, she spends her time riding motorcycles, wearing elaborate hats, and genuinely enjoying the oddities in life.





pro pic dN.C. Thomas: Born and bred in Glasgow, Scotland N C’s two passions are reading and writing. She has a Master of the Arts Degree in Classics which makes her qualified to go to the cinema to see movies related to her degree and say things like “No, that is not what happened at all!” and, with a deep sigh, “Wow my degree really is cool…” Books are her passion and she vows there is not a genre she will not attempt.